5IRE - Kannon Media Success Case

6.000 New YouTube Subscribers at 1.61$ and CPV of 0.02$ for Blockchain Technology Company


5IRE is a revolutionary 5th-Generation Blockchain Technology helping accelerate the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

One of the most important marketing goals for them was to gain notoriety across different channels and keep users engaged with 1) New technology updates, 2) Research updates, and 3) Their podcast featuring relevant personalities from the Blockchain world.


We segmented the YouTube campaigns across the client’s 3 main content types: 1) Tech updates, 2) Research updates, 3) Podcast, and finally 4) Video Ads specific for YouTube.

Using skippable instream ads, we targeted videos from 50 similar channels we researched. Other targeting methods were Custom Intent Audiences, Similar Audiences, and once we had a large enough audience, Retargeting. Each one of these corresponded to a different Funnel stage, so we essentially built a comprehensive funnel.


5IRE is gaining YouTube subscribers in their channel for 1.61$ each. Using our highly specialized expertise, we managed to lower the expected CPV by 66% (0,06$ to 0,02$)

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